Sifuna Criticizes Museveni's Public Rebuke of Babu Owino During Nairobi Visit

Posted by Declan Venter

Sifuna Criticizes Museveni's Public Rebuke of Babu Owino During Nairobi Visit


In a recent turn of events, the political landscape between Kenya and Uganda saw marked tension when Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni publicly criticized Kenyan MP Babu Owino. This incident unfolded during a significant event in Nairobi, where Museveni was present to endorse Raila Odinga’s bid for the African Union Commission (AUC) chairperson. The public nature of Museveni’s remarks has stirred diplomatic dialogue and raised questions about the appropriate channels for addressing such grievances.

The Incident

President Museveni did not hold back in his statements, accusing Embakasi East Member of Parliament Babu Owino of meddling in Ugandan politics. He cited intelligence reports that suggested Owino had been working with anti-National Resistance Movement (NRM) groups in Uganda. According to Museveni, this involvement was unacceptable, and he felt the need to address it openly during his visit to Kenya. This choice of venue and method has not sat well with certain Kenyan political figures.

Sifuna’s Response

Among the most prominent voices criticizing Museveni’s approach was ODM Secretary General and Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna. Sifuna’s objections were rooted in the belief that such criticisms should be handled through diplomatic channels rather than being brought to the public eye at an international event. He emphasized that Kenya is governed by the rule of law, and any concerns regarding an MP’s conduct should be channelled through proper legal avenues. By choosing a public forum to air these grievances, Sifuna argued, Museveni acted inappropriately and undermined Kenyan leadership.

Implications for Kenya-Uganda Relations

This incident underscores existing diplomatic tensions between Kenya and Uganda. It raises critical questions about respect for national sovereignty and legal processes. Sifuna’s remarks reflected a broader sentiment that Kenya’s internal affairs should be respected, and any international concerns should be conveyed with diplomatic decorum. His defense of Babu Owino was not so much an endorsement of Owino’s actions, as it was a call for respectful and lawful communication between neighboring states.

The Role of Diplomatic Channels

Diplomacy serves as the cornerstone for resolving disputes between nations, and public forums are generally not the place for such direct criticisms. Diplomatic channels exist to facilitate dialogue, address grievances, and find amicable solutions without causing public spectacle or international embarrassment. Sifuna’s appeal for the use of these channels is a reminder of their importance in maintaining peace and respect between nations.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Another layer to this story is the legal and ethical considerations surrounding the intelligence reports mentioned by Museveni. If these reports do indeed exist, their content and accuracy should be scrutinized through formal investigative processes rather than being used for public condemnation. The ethical dilemma of using intelligence reports to make public accusations also merits attention, balancing the need for transparency with considerations of privacy and due process.

The Role of Political Leaders

Political leaders bear the responsibility of setting examples in handling international relations. Museveni’s choice to publicly criticize Babu Owino can be perceived as a deviation from this responsibility. Leaders like Edwin Sifuna remind us of the importance of measured, respectful, and law-abiding approaches in addressing international concerns. Their responses help uphold the principles that govern democratic societies and international relations.


This incident between Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni and Kenya’s MP Babu Owino, as criticized by ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna, shines a light on the intricacies of diplomatic relations and the importance of respectful communication. As neighboring countries navigating the complexities of political landscapes, Kenya and Uganda must prioritize diplomacy, legal channels, and mutual respect. Ongoing dialogue and adherence to these principles will be crucial in maintaining peace and cooperation in the region.

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