Posts by category: Health

India's Health Officials Race to Contain Deadly Nipah Virus After Teenager's Tragic Death

Posted by Declan Venter

India's Health Officials Race to Contain Deadly Nipah Virus After Teenager's Tragic Death

In India, health officials are urgently addressing a new Nipah virus outbreak after a 14-year-old boy succumbed to the virus. With a fatality rate of up to 75%, the virus spreads through animals and can lead to severe complications. Authorities have classified over 100 people as high-risk contacts in Kerala, a region prone to such outbreaks due to habitat destruction.

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Cholera Outbreak in Lagos: Traders and Tricyclists Remain Uninformed as Cases Rise

Posted by Declan Venter

Cholera Outbreak in Lagos: Traders and Tricyclists Remain Uninformed as Cases Rise

As cholera cases rise in Lagos State, many traders and tricyclists remain unaware of the outbreak. Cholera, an acute diarrheal infection, continues to spread due to contaminated food and water. Experts are calling for extensive awareness campaigns in local languages to combat this public health threat.

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The Alarming Survival Statistics of Hip Fractures in Seniors: Understanding Risks and Management

Posted by Declan Venter

The Alarming Survival Statistics of Hip Fractures in Seniors: Understanding Risks and Management

A recent study reveals the severe impact of hip fractures on seniors, with a staggering 30% mortality rate within a year of injury. This rate exceeds that of many cancers, highlighting the grave prognosis for older adults, especially those over 85.

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